In order to cast your vote, please take your voting papers (the "stempass") with you to the polling station. In order to be allowed to cast your vote in the actual polling booth, you will need to show a passport, an identity card (for example your residence permit) or a driving license. The polling stations' officers do not register this identification process. After all, the Netherlands upholds a secrecy of vote. This means that The Netherlands does not register which individuals casted their ballot and voted and which individuals didn't.


The following polling stations are open on the following three days:

Monday March 14th, open from 07.30 A.M. till 21.00 P.M.:

Raadhuis De Paauw, Raadhuislaan 22

Gemeentekantoor, Johan de Wittstraat 45

Tuesday March 15th, open from 07.30 A.M. till 21.00 P.M.:

Raadhuis De Paauw, Raadhuislaan 22

Gemeentekantoor, Johan de Wittstraat 45

Wednesday March 16th, open from 07.30 A.M. till 21.00 P.M.: 

Raadhuis De Paauw, Raadhuislaan 22

De Warenar, Kerkstraat 75

Schoolgebouw, Middelweg 33

Kinderboerderij, Rodenburglaan 80

Gemeentekantoor, Johan de Wittstraat 45

Bibliotheek, Langstraat 40

Kerk “Sion”, ingang Parklaan 28

Kievietschool, Buurtweg 16

Buurtcentrum, Charlottestraat 5

Bonifaciusschool, Kloosterland 5

Buurtvereniging Oostdorp, Dr. Mansveltkade 9

ABF, International Sports Club, Ammonslaantje 1

Van Ommerenpark, Van Ommerenpark 200

Parkeerterrein De Goede Herder, Stoeplaan 4

For more information on our elections, see the municipal website: